#TSA_List, on the Undernet, is a channel for
discussing physical transformations. It is also a place to have a
friendly chat with people from Thomas Hassan's "Transformation
Story Archive". If you like any form of physical
transformation, you will find the #TSA_list a place for you to have
fun and enjoy yourself. Please feel free to visit us. |
UPDATED : Tuesday, 13th Apirl 1999
see Notes)
Welcome to
the Webpage
Date : Tuesday, 13th April 1999 |
to the #TSA_List Homepage. I hope that this homepage gives you
insightful information on how to get on IRC, the channel in question,
and about many of the different things that are on the channel.
Having run the channel for a while, I'm more then greatful for the
information and ideas that have come from the users of the #TSA_List,
so that I and my management team can make #TSA_List a better place
for all its users. So if you have any ideas, please email them to me
so that we can check them out. My email address is at the bottom of
each page, just click on the #TSA_List @ Undernet picture. Well, I'll
let you get to navigating.
Tracy-Ann Rose-Powell
Update Information
Date : Wednestday, 30th June 1999 |
isn't much of a webpage update - however as you might have noticed
we have changed server. Thanks to DragonDM for the chance to use his
transform.to server. There won't be much change in speed - but at
least now it is on it's own account. Other then that, there will be
some more updates soon and more bios' added. Have a nice time until
next time.
Update Information
Date : Tuesday, 13th April 1999 |
it came to a time to update the format of the #TSA_list homepage.
Mainly one of the biggest changes was the removal of all the tables I
had included with the previous version. The main reason for this is
because of download time, since it meant a lot more code to have to
download, then most browers hated me because then they would have to
work out how to show the tables correctly. This was reported to cause
problems with earlier versions of Opera and Netscape. Another thing
is this 'Notes' section which will be updated everytime there is
information to add, or change on the homepage keeping you informed of
all the information about the channel. This Note section when made
large enough will be moved to its own page also, but the up to date
notes will stay on the main page. Please, give me feed back in
regards to this webpage, since I have been using your peoples'
feedback to create this new version. I have to thank Jason-Roo Tracer
for the logo idea and for the title which you see on all the pages at
the top left hand corner. Also, thanks to all the people who did give
feedback and information about what the first version of this
homepage was like, I hope this one is easier on most peoples systems.
Another important thing
is, I'm sorry those using 256 colours. I have tried very very hard to
create a page which will work in that colour setting, but even now it
isn't as great as I was hoping. I am still working on creating a
plate of colours that will work - however that means removing some of
the graphics that are a part of this homepage. The next option is to
create a 256 colour version, however I would like to hope that isn't
needed as yet. This homepage has also been designed with 640x480
screen size users, modifing and altering all the graphics so that
they work in 640x480 mode. Well hope you all like the new version.
Again give as much feedback as you can.
Tracy-Ann Rose-Powell